Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Really Hot Beach Weather

We have been having some amazingly hot weather here in Cardiff! Perfect for the beach but not for much else, of course, who needs anything else when you're on vacation?? Thankfully, the lodge has ac or I would be literally melting. LOL. Us, San Diegans are not used to such hot weather :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Amazing Weather and Water!

No matter how much working here is amazing, days like this make me wish I didn't work at all. The ocean is about 76* right now and it is a perfect day to lay on the beach, surf, or just take a swim! The water is beautiful right now and is supposed to stay this temperature for a while. The weather is supposed to get warmer and more perfect for the beach by the weekend! When people are checking in they may be surprised to find no one working at the desk because we will all be out in the ocean! Just kidding, but we hope our guests enjoy the water and weather!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Upgrade to Southwest Room

The newly refurbished Southwest Room has quickly become a guest favorite. The open feel of the room with a custom built fireplace, two person Jacuzzi tub, and ocean view becomes a place to get away from daily routine. Come experience it yourself. Jane

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to Cardiff by the Sea Lodge's first blog! The postings done here will be done by all of us here at Cardiff Lodge; as we all have different areas of expertise and interest. This site will be undergoing a lot of work while we learn how to blog and get the most out of it as we can. We hope that everyone will stay up with us to learn more about our amazing place. There will be pictures posted of our lodge, including the roof top garden that we host weddings on and much more. We look forward to this process and getting this site ready for all interested potential guests!


Southwest Room Gets a New Look!

Here are some pictures of room 208 the Southwest, our most requested room right now. It has been under renovation and is finally ready to be slept in on Friday!! Congulations to the first people to sleep in this amazing room! :)

Saul signing his hard work!

Saul signing his hard work!

The room in progress.  We are much further now!! :)

The room in one of the stages.

Mixing the mud is hard work!

Mixing the mud!The family putting up the wall scene of James’ own photo!

Hanging the wall mural!

The fireplace is almost done!

Finishing the fireplaceCutting the stone is hard work!

Cutting the stone is hard work!

The amazing bath tub!

The wonderful bathtub!