The Del Mar Horse Races are a big event around here every year, since Del Mar is only five minutes or so from here, I've posted all the info if you'd like to go see a race for yourself!
Dates: Wednesday, July 22 through Wednesday, September 9. Dark Mondays
(Except Labor Day) and Tuesdays (37 days)
Telephone: (858) 755-1141, Information Line (858) 793-5533,
Results (888) 338-RACE
Additional phone numbers and contact information available on our Contact page.
Address: 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd
Del Mar, CA 92014
Address: P.O. Box 700, Del Mar, CA 92014
Internet: Del Mar Racing (Home page including today's latest news)
Location: In the City of Del Mar, 20 miles north of downtown San Diego, 100
miles south of Los Angeles on I-5. Vicinity Map
Post Times: First post daily at 2 p.m. with the following exceptions:
* 3 p.m. on Fridays; 1 p.m. on Pacific Classic Day (Sunday, Sept. 6)
Gates Open: Noon weekdays, 11:30 a.m. weekends, Opening and Closing Days.
* All Fridays, 1 p.m.; Pacific Classic Day (Sunday, Sept. 6) 10:30 a.m.
Admission & Seating: To order, visit out online ticket office (beginning May 15, 2009) at http://www.dmtc.com/season/tickets/
(Admission includes official program)(daily)
Stretch Run Daily Admission
(seat not included) $6 on all days except Opening Day (Opening Day $10)
Stretch Run Reserved Seats $5 - Mon, Wed, Thu; $8 - Fri; $10 - Sat, Sun & Labor Day
$15 - Opening Day/PC day
Stretch Run Advance Sale
Discount Books
(10 daily admissions) $40
Stretch Run Admission/
Active Duty Military and Dependents
Clubhouse Daily Admission
(seat not included) $10 on all days except Opening Day (Opening Day $20)
Clubhouse Crossover from
Stretch Run $4 on all days except Opening Day (Opening Day $10)
Clubhouse Advance Sale
Discount Books
(10 daily admissions) $70
Clubhouse Reserved Seats
$5 - Mon, Wed, Thu; $8 - Fri; $10 - Sat, Sun & Labor Day
$15 - Opening Day/PC day
Restaurant Tables
(Clubhouse Terrace, Cafe Del Sol, Stretch Run Grill - all-day seating for four)
Opening Day/Pacific Classic Day
$125 (plus admission)
Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Labor Day $100 (plus admission)
Monday/Wednesday/Thursday $60 (plus admission)
Parking General $8
Valet $20
Early Bird $8
Friday & Saturday Concert Parking $10
Bus parking $20 (Group Sales Buses no charge)
Please Note: All lots except Valet are General Parking only.
Children Children 17 years and younger will be admitted for free to the venue
and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times.
Diamond Club Diamond Club members may purchase Clubhouse and Stretch Run
admission at half of the regular price on all days, including
Opening Day. Diamond Club discount admissions are not available for
advance purchase.
Military Active duty military personnel and their dependents admitted at main
entrance to Stretch Run free every day (please show your military ID
at Ticket Sales window).
Advance Ten (10) Stretch Run Admissions for $40 ($20 savings) or ten (10)
Clubhouse Admissions for $70 ($30 savings). Full season passes:
Stretch Run $25; Clubhouse $50. Available by mail or at Advance ale
Ticket Office. Restaurant Reservations, 858-792-4242.
VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express accepted.
Ticket Office During the racing season: Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday
through Sunday. Special Monday and Tuesday hours 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Phone 858-792-4242. Toll-free 877-LETSBET.
Group Sales Groups of 20-2,000 - Infield Pacific Pavilion, Stretch Run and
Clubhouse stadium-style seating, Clubhouse Terrace Restaurant and
Stretch Run Grill (for 20 or more), Skyrooms, Seaside Tropical
Cabana, Celebrity Suites, Il Palio Restaurant and Turf Club Luxury
Suite Direct Line 858-792-4234.
Turf Club This is a private club open to members/guests only where a dress
code is enforced. Turf Club Guest Admission $60 per person per
day/$125 Opening Day (must be accompanied by member). Reservations
are required. Refer calls regarding membership to Nancy Bonforte,
858-755-1141, ext. 4291.
Early Bird Wagering 9:00-10:00 a.m. each racing day (on-track only). On Fridays
it will be extended from 9 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. due to the
later first post time.
Programs Included with paid admission. Otherwise $2. (Available on track the
afternoon prior in most instances.) Also available for free online.
Daily Racing Form $4.50 (tax included). A publication consisting of past
performances, racing news, entries, results, etc. Available
on the grounds and at many newsstands, liquor stores, etc.
Camp Del Mar Ages 5-12. Price $23 per child per day. 858-755-1141 ext. 3990 or
Cardiff-by-the-Sea Lodge